Thistles Market Garden Ltd   Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK
© 2024 Thistles Market Garden Site sponsor: John Marshall
Community Support
A BIG thank you…
Thanks to Keith Reedman - Polytunnel covering and labour.
A Generous Compost Donation!
A return visit to Fountains - thousands of plants!
A grateful donation from Jakemans’. We supply at only 60p per pack!
A welcome £500 cheque from Dave and Derek of the Freemasons - Pilgrim Lodge!
Tray bon! Received from The Bluebell Inn - Whaplode St. Catherine.
A visit to Golden Grove Nursery. Thanks to Zoe who donated some Wilma!
Thank you to Longhurst Housing Association for the kind donation of laptops and desktop PC for use at Thistles.
Chosen Holbeach presented a cheque for £1000!
The Community Payback Scheme for the creation of a new path in our smaller Polytunnel.
To the ASDA Foundation  - for a £1,525 Green Spaces Grant which enabled us to              re-cover the poly tunnels and buy two new self-propelling Mountfield lawnmowers!
Allens Haulage - for a delivery of sleepers
© 2023 Thistles Market Garden Website Admin John Marshall
Community Support
A BIG thank you…
To the ASDA Foundation for a £1,525 Green Spaces Grant which enabled us to  re-cover the poly tunnels and buy two new self-propelling Mountfield lawnmowers!
Thanks to Keith Reedman - Polytunnel covering and labour.
A Generous Compost Donation!
A return visit to Fountains - thousands of plants!
A grateful donation from Jakemans’. We supply at only 60p per pack!
A visit to Golden Grove Nursery. Thanks to Zoe who donated some Wilma!
Tray bon! Received from The Bluebell Inn - Whaplode St. Catherine.
A welcome £500 cheque from Dave and Derek of the Freemasons - Pilgrim Lodge!
Thistles Market Garden Ltd Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK
Thank you to Longhurst Housing Association for the kind donation of laptops and desktop PC for use at Thistles.
Chosen Holbeach presented a cheque for £1000!
Allens Haulage - for a delivery of sleepers
The Community Payback Scheme members for the creation of a new path in our smaller Polytunnel.