Thistles Market Garden Ltd   Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK
© 2024 Thistles Market Garden Site sponsor: John Marshall
News Update…
click or tap on images for enlarged view!
Harvest 2023
Winter 2023
Thistles helped the Kirton Cleanup Squad - pruning overgrown shrubs on Green Lane near the school.
Winter pruning and pricking out at Thistles.
Designing and assembly Bird boxes
Making the fat balls
Preparation for the
Plant pot washing and preparation for sowing seeds
Spring 2024
Pricking Out in the Poly Tunnel
Horse Therapy Day!
Our popular Summer Hanging Baskets
9th July 2024 Well done Thistles for a very successful Open Day - raising £1006.99! The weather stayed fine too.
Click or tap below to view: Thistles Open Day video highlights!
© 2023 Thistles Market Garden Website Admin John Marshall
News Update…
Thistles Market Garden Ltd Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK
click or tap on images for album / enlarged view!
Harvest 2023
Autumn 2023
Winter 2023
Making the fat balls
Designing and assembly Bird boxes
Thistles helped the Kirton Cleanup Squad - pruning overgrown shrubs on Green Lane near the school.
Preparation for the
Plant pot washing and preparation for sowing seeds
Spring 2024
Pricking Out in the Poly Tunnel
Horse Therapy Day!
Our popular Summer Hanging Baskets
9th July 2024 Well done Thistles for a very successful Open Day - raising £1006.99!
Click or tap below to view: Thistles Open Day video highlights!