Thistles Market Garden is a venue for adults with a
learning disability that provides daily purposeful
activities in horticulture, in order to encourage
skills and development and to promote social
inclusion and self-esteem.
Thistles is based on an acre of land, 8 miles south of
the market town of Boston, situated just on the
outskirts of the pretty village of Sutterton.
The village is served by a regular bus service from both
Boston and Spalding.
Thistles was first established in 2002 under the
umbrella of Lincolnshire County Council and Social
Thistles has been operating as an independent co-
operative social enterprise since 2015.
At Thistles we aim to cater to everyone’s individuality.
The group that we support are able to work within
their own ability and are encouraged to develop their
skills through the various activities that we do.
All of our work related
activities are thoroughly
risk assessed considering
all aspects of health and
safety and the abilities of
the individual. We aim to
protect everyone against
hazards without restricting
their opportunities.
In order to achieve this aim we adhere to certain
standards such as maintaining up to date training and
following and regularly reviewing policies that are in
One way that we strive to provide the group at Thistles
with the best possible service is by means of person
cen-tred planning. Through the use of effective
communication, the people that we support have
ownership over how their social care is delivered. As
well as holding yearly reviews, we also have regular
meetings with the group to encourage them to
express their opinion on the day-to-day running of the
market garden and to involve them in decision
The Facilities at Thistles
Classroom with disabled access
2 Polytunnels
Kitchen Glasshouses
Personal Lockers
Raised Beds
Disabled Toilets
Container storing tools
Patio Eating Area
Community Orchard
Car Parking
Achieving Positive Outcomes
1. We use horticulture as a therapy and tool
for learning
Improves physical health
Gaining skills and knowledge in horticulture.
Purposeful work-related experience Having
fun and feeling secure.
2. The people that we support have active
involvement in the running of the market
Sense of responsibility and belonging
Social inclusion
Communication skills
Involved in decision making and a sense
that their input is valued
Promotes independence and self-
Managed risk taking
3. Person centred planning
Access to Voiceability (advocacy service)
Gives the people that we support control of
their lives
Promotes empowerment
4. Workers’ Education Association (WEA)
Speaking, listening, reading and writing
Encourages the people that we support to
express their aspirations
Increased self-worth
5. Boston College
Friendship networking
Social interaction
6. Boston in Bloom
Integrating with the local community
Feeling of acknowledgment
Experiencing being a part of a high profile
and professional event
7. Lincolnshire Police
Partnership working & funding support
Activities at Thistles
People who attend Thistles are taught how to sow
seeds, prick out seedlings and plant out. They learn
about the different varieties and
germination times of plants,
flowers, fruit and vegetables and
how to harvest crops. This teaching
is done through both hands on
practical work related experience
(on the land and in the polytunnels)
and learning in a laid back
classroom environment.
It is arranged that the group are
given the opportunity to be
supported on a trip into the town
centre, where they are able to
select the seeds that they wish to
grow at Thistles.
All of the people that we support
play a part in the running of the
market garden which enhances
the concept of team work.
Everyone has the opportunity to
not only grow, but to prepare and
sell the produce from seed to sale.
This entails preparing bedding
plants and hanging baskets and
meeting and greeting the local
public who come in to buy the
produce grown by the people that
we support.
Development - Since 2015, additional and
improved facilities have included:
A further poly tunnel
Thistles own mini bus
A new building which includes an office,
kitchen and toilets, incorporating a
sponsored modern eco heating and lighting
© 2024 Thistles Market Garden Website Admin John Marshall
About Thistles
Thistles Market Garden Ltd
Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK