Thistles Market Garden Ltd   Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK
© 2024 Thistles Market Garden Site sponsor: John Marshall
Our past Activities
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Thistles through the seasons!
New paved area for plant displays! Good preparation is most important!
Thanks to Tony Clarke for making another planter from railway sleepers!
The BIG clear up!
We did get some harvest produce in 2020!
Thank you to volunteer work carried out by Aaron Appleby most appreciated!
Those able to return to Thistles in September were busy catching up!
Spring 2020
We managed to get some seeds sown before Covid 19 meant all work on site stopped! NO Summer activity on site!
Autumn 2020
The work continues! Site clean up and weeding. Planting a Yew tree and leeks. Painting the staging. Taking Fuscia cuttings.
Summer 2021 Thistles began reopening on 24th May - with much work to do!
Denise was pleased to be back working at Thistles… and enjoyed pricking out the tomatoes!
Autumn 2021
Harvesting Taking cuttings Digging Planting Preparing for winter! Making Christmas Trees from pallet wood.
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It’s Advent 2021
Preparing for Spring 2022!
Autumn 2022
Preserves, Cakes and Pumpkins!
Winter 2022
Thistles Christmas Tree!
Advent to Christmas 2022 -Decorations, wreath and cake making!
Members of the Group, Staff and Friends gathered for a farewell Christmas lunch and presented retiring Thistles Manager Liz Judge with a beautiful gift!
Hanging the Thistles made fat balls to attract birds for the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch!
Some of our past activities
© 2023 Thistles Market Garden Website Admin John Marshall
Click or touch any thumbnail image to view in full size!
New paved area for plant displays! Good preparation is most important!
Thanks to Committee member Tony Clarke for making another planter from railway sleepers!
Autumn 2020
The BIG clear up! Thank you to volunteer work carried out by Aaron Appleby.
Those able to return to Thistles have been busy catching up!
Spring 2020
We managed to get some seeds sown before Covid 19 meant all work on site stopped! NO Summer activity on site!
We did get some harvest produce!
The work continues! Site clean up and weeding. Planting a Yew tree and leeks. Painting the staging. Taking Fuscia cuttings.
Summer 2021 Thistles began reopening on 24th May - with much work to do!
Denise was pleased to be back working at Thistles… and enjoyed pricking out the tomatoes!
Harvesting. Taking cuttings. Digging. Planting Making Christmas Trees from pallet wood.
Autumn 2021
Thistles through the seasons!
click on 1st image to enlarge and navigate << > >>
Advent 2021
Preparing for Spring 2022
Some of our past activities
Thistles Market Garden Ltd Sutterton, Lincolnshire, UK
Autumn 2022
Preserves, Cakes and Pumpkins!
Advent to Christmas 2022 - Decorations, wreath and cake making!
Thistles Christmas Tree!
Members of the Group, Staff and Friends gathered for a farewell Christmas lunch and presented retiring Thistles Manager Liz Judge with a beautiful gift!
Winter 2022